Do You Know How Often To Water Mums? And Tips For Watering Mums

Michelle Rodriguez

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how often to water mums

Do you want to decorate your garden with orange, red, and yellow mums? Need to know how often to water mums? Do you want to know how to make it alive all the seasons? Then continue reading this article, to get guidance on growing mums. 

Do You Know How Often To Water Mums?

Do You Know How Often To Water Mums

Keeping mums in your garden area will give you the most relaxing and breathtaking views. Even if all mums bloom together you may feel that you are in heaven. But Planting mums is not a difficult task but caring for them plays a major role. If it is not properly monitored, mums may get infections and die. 

One should know how often to water mums to keep them alive in all weather conditions. 

Here I will explain all about mums, and how to care for mums.

All About Mums

Chrysanthemums are often called Mums. Mums are also called the queen of late-blooming flowers. They usually show it blooming in October whereas early bloomers show blooming in September. As it is the fall flower, how often to water mums and how to care for mums is always a difficult part to understand. 

How To Care For Mums?

Mums often have shallow roots which observe water fast and dry again. So it needs daily water to make it survive in the hot weather. It needs daily watering when the weather is hot and receives 1 inch of rainfall per week. It is always necessary to keep the mums moist. So placing Mulch in and around the areas of mums can prevent it from getting dry. 

Usually, mums take 4-6 weeks to bloom. If you buy the potted mums, then you should change it to a big pot so that the roots grow better than in a small pot. Shifting to big pots will also increase the life of mums. While shifting mums from small pots to big pots maximum care should be taken. One should be careful and gentle in handling the root balls. While repotting one should use a good mixture of soil composition to give a better drainage system and retain its moisture. Always let your mums be in the sunlight. Mums need adequate sunlight for their growth. If you can’t place it in full-day sunlight you can place it for at least 4-6 hours. 

During winter, as I said before, place mulch around the mums to retain moisture. Place a maximum of 3-4 mulch at the base. However, continuous monitoring of the mums is required irrespective of the climatic conditions because dry roots may lead to death. Also one should be very careful in watering, sometimes over watering will make the roots rotten. So one should have good knowledge of how often to water mums. 

Tips For Watering Mums

Tips For Watering Mums

One should have better knowledge on how often to water mums to make them alive all the seasons. Here are some of the tips on watering the mums based on their growth stage, weather conditions, and time which may benefit you.

Tip 1: Growth Stage

We can categorize watering mums into three stages. Let’s see one by one

First Stage 

This is the stage when the baby plants are planted into the soil. During this, one should water it completely so that the roots can settle into the soil. 

Second Stage 

After two to three weeks of the implementation, the mums will reach this second stage. In this stage, mums need to be watered every day without fail. It should be monitored frequently to check moisture and wetness. Extreme wetness may spoil the roots of mums.

Third Stage

In this stage, the roots will get deeper. So one can reduce the frequency of watering. One can decide the frequency based on the climatic conditions.

Tip 2: Weather Conditions

Apart from these three stages, one should also care about how often to water mums based on weather conditions.

In extreme summer frequent watering of the mums is recommended. As said before moisture is important. During the mid-summer, mums don’t need frequent watering. 

When it comes to the winter season, the mum gets frozen and blocks the root. So it’s enough to try to keep it moist in winter. After the early froze, always cover the mums with 3-inch mulch and move to the cooler place.

Tip 3: Best Time To Water Mums

The time when we water the mums is very important. Mostly the mums should be watered in the early morning as the cool climate allows the water to get deeper into it. Watering the mums in the evening and after that may cause some infections. Almost watering of 6-8 inches length of water is recommended for better growth.


I hope you gained better knowledge on growing mums. Follow the above guidance and make your garden rich and beautiful with colorful mums. Also, keep a watering routine in mind to keep it alive all day and all the seasons. Always try to water at the base not on the top as it will make the leaves prone to fungal diseases.


Why Are Mums Often Called Late Bloomers?

Mums are often called Late bloomers because they usually show off flowers in October as other plants will show off flowers in Septemeber.

What Happens When We Overwater Mums?

When the mums are overwatered, the extreme wetness of the roots makes them prone to fungal infections. 

What Is The Purpose Of Using Mulch Along With Mums?

Mulch Is Always Used In Plant Conservation As It Prevents Soil From Erosion, Conserves Water, And Retains Moisture.

What Are The Mulch Materials Used In Mums?

Mulch materials can be anything like straws, pine needles, and tree branches. But make sure that these mulch materials are clean and free from any infections or diseases.

Which Temperature Is Suitable For Mums?

The suitable temperature for mums is usually between 60 – 70 degrees Celsius. The humidity level should be 70-90%.

Should You Water Mums In Night?

No, an ideal time is morning and evening only.