Who is Marilyn Monroe father? Rumors About Marilyn Monroes Biological Father

Kimberly Rivera

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Marilyn Monroe father

Marilyn Monroe father is Charles Stanley Gifford. She is a mystery movie actress, still captivates viewers decades after her early death. Her stardom frequently overshadowed her personal life until 2022 revelations revealed her father. Monroe’s father, Charles Stanley Gifford (1898–1965), worked with her mother, Gladys Baker and had an affair with her in 1925. DNA tests showed this. 

Who is Marilyn Monroe father?

Marilyn Monroe’s father is 1898-born Charles Stanley Gifford. Having worked with Monroe’s mother, Gladys Baker, he was linked. Their affair began around Monroe’s birth in 1926. DNA tests in 2022 confirmed Monroe’s father, Gifford. Despite his genetic impact on Monroe, Gifford had no role in her parenting or public life.

Rumors About Marilyn Monroes Biological Father

Rumors About Marilyn Monroes Biological Father

Charles Stanley Gifford, Marilyn Monroe’s biological father, was unknown until recently. In the 1920s, Gifford, born in 1898, was engaged to Monroe’s mother, Gladys Baker, culminating in a clandestine relationship that bore Monroe, highlighting the difficulties of personal relationships with cultural conventions. 

Charles Stanley Gifford:

Charles Stanley Gifford was a fundamental character in Monroe’s story when it became known that he was his father. He was born in 1898 and worked with Monroe’s mother, Gladys Baker, in the 1920s. Monroe was born from their secret relationship, which shows how complicated personal relationships can be when you consider social norms and standards at the time.

Paternity Speculations:

Before DNA testing proved that Gifford was Monroe’s father, there were many theories about who her father was. Martin Edward Mortensen, Gladys Baker’s ex-husband, and others Baker was connected with were among them. DNA testing proved beyond a doubt that Gifford was Monroe’s biological father, putting an end to these ideas.

Impact on Monroe’s Life:

Knowing that Gifford is Monroe’s father helps us understand her life story better. Even though Gifford was not involved in Monroe’s life, his genes most likely affected her appearance and some parts of her personality. Monroe’s sense of identity and connection was probably also affected by the circumstances of her parentage, which made her journey even more complicated.

Impact on Monroe's Life


The fact that Charles Stanley Gifford has been identified as Marilyn Monroe father is a big step forward in our knowledge of her family history. It shows how her life was affected by the complicated interactions between her relationships and social norms. 


How did Marilyn Monroe’s father look before the DNA test?

Before the DNA test, many thought it was her mother’s ex-husband Martin Edward Mortensen.

How did Marilyn Monroe’s parents meet?

Monroe’s parents, Gladys Baker and Charles Stanley Gifford, met at work and started dating. An affair ensued.

When did DNA show Monroe’s father was Charles Stanley Gifford?

Monroe died long before the 2022 DNA test that revealed Gifford’s father was Monroe.

Did Marilyn Monroe contact her biological father?

No evidence exists that Monroe and Gifford dated since they never spoke.

How does Monroe’s reputation change knowing more about her father?

Her personal story is more interesting and makes you want to understand more about her life and profession, especially her family history.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marilyn_Monroe#:~:text=Her%20second%20marriage%20occurred%20in,had%20an%20 affair%20in%201925.