What is the Capital of Brazil? Top Attractions of Brasília

Michelle Rodriguez

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what is the capital of Brazil

What is the capital of Brazil? Brasília is the capital of Brazil. Planning officials in Brazil built the country’s capital city in a place that didn’t have many people or businesses before the 1950s. They chose this central spot in the hopes that it would help the country become more united. Let’s learn more about what is the capital of Brazil.

What is the capital of Brazil?

Brazil’s capital is Brasília, one of the world’s unique cities.  But the city has a great past and beautiful buildings, even though it is “tender” years old. The city’s name was made up 200 years ago after the country was freed. 

Politicians suggested the new capital be called “Brasília,” which is how the state was shown on world maps. The new republican constitution from 1891 had a rule that said the new town should be in the Brazilian Highlands (Brazilian Plateau).

Top attractions of Brasília 

When you are thinking of visiting Brasilia, you must see these top attractions:

Praça dos Três Poderes 

Praça dos Três Poderes 

The buildings for the Brazilian government’s executive, parliamentary, and judicial parts are all here, making it one of the most important spots in Brasília. Some of these include the Supreme Court of Brazil, the President’s official home, and the National Congress Building. Keep knowing what is the capital of Brazil.

Palácio dos Arcos 

Palácio dos Arcos 

This building is home to Brazil’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs offices. It is also known as Palácio Itamaraty. The building is famous and a good example of modernist design. It is close to the Praça dos Três Poderes. Oscar Niemeyer designed the lobby and performance space.

Catedral Metropolitana Nossa Senhora Aparecida 

Catedral Metropolitana Nossa Senhora Aparecida 

Among the city’s most attractive and famous structures. That same year, Niemeyer finished building this building as well. It has 16 white columns that bend inward to form a cap around the glass roof. You can only see this glass roof from above; the church is mostly underground. The dome lets natural light in. Outside the church, four figures represent the Four Evangelists.

Lake Paranoá

Lake Paranoá

Creating this big man-made lake by blocking the Paranoá River is a great thing to do in Brasília. Near this lake are sports clubs, shops, a university, and several important government buildings.

Ponte Juscelino Kubitschek is the name of the beautiful bridge that spans the lake. The bridge has three huge towers and has won many design awards. Let us understand more about what is the capital of Brazil.

President Kubitschek Memorial (JK Memorial)

President Kubitschek Memorial

Niemeyer built this tribute, tomb, and museum to honor the life of Juscelino Kubitschek, Brazil’s 21st President. Brasília was named after him, and his body is at the monument. People often call Kubitschek the “father of modern Brazil” because he led Brazil to economic growth and political security. The memorial spot also has sculptures by well-known artists, information about the life of the former President, and historical records about how the city was founded.

Best Hotels to stay in Brasília 

Best Hotels to stay in Brasília 

Luxury hotels like Brasília Alvorada and Sonesta Hotel Brasilia have flourished in this city, and powerful people from each region visit. The Via W3 Sul is your best bet on a tight budget. The Hospedagem Alternativa and a few small pousadas offer beds at reasonable prices in the city.


Many things go into the planning of Brasilia, but one of the most important ones to keep in mind is that it was made so that people can get around by car since even the city center is spread out over a large area. Most bus lines end at the Rodoviaria in the middle of the city, making them very useful. If you are staying near a train stop, this Y-shaped line is a quick way to get into the city center, and on the weekends, it’s even cheaper. 


Which is Brazil’s capital city?

The federal capital of Brazil is the city of Brasília. It is in the Federal District (Distrito Federal), which was created when Goiás state was split up. It is in the middle of Brazil’s plains.

Why does Brazil have two nations’ capitals?

Brazil moved its capital city from Rio de Janeiro to Brasilia to revive national pride. By building a modern, Brazil united the Brazilian people by placing the city at the nation’s center and opening central territories to economic development.

Why isn’t Rio Brazil’s capital?

The story begins on the eve of Brazil’s freedom when a politician named José Bonifacio sees that the country’s capital is in danger. At that time, French pirates often attacked, and Rio de Janeiro was an easy target since it was on the coast.

What is the main culture in Brazil?

Indigenous Indians, Africans, and Portuguese civilizations shaped contemporary Brazil. Portuguese culture has the biggest impact on Brazilian culture, including language, religion, and customs.

Which place in Brazil is the smallest?

Brazil’s Santa Cruz de Minas is in Minas Gerais. The city is located in the microregion of Sao João del Rei and the mesoregion of Campo das Vertentes. 



